Friday, April 2, 2010

Holidaze Part IV - Connor's Eggsellent Adventure

Connor of course wanted to check out what we were doing outside the second he came downstairs. He helped me get new eggs and sat down at the table ready to get started.

Like most things in life Connor dove in with gusto. Unlike Ryan who heeded my admonitions to be gentle Connor dropped his eggs in and laughed as the tidal waves sloshed over the edge a lot like bath time.

Also unlike Ryan he didn't wait patiently for his eggs to be done. He wanted to fish them out no sooner than he had dropped the last one in. He would fish them out by any means necessary. Why waste time putting the egg on the plastic egg holder when you have two hands that are perfectly capable of wading in??

I did finally convince him that to turn colors he needed to let them sit a little longer. Though he kept a skeptical eye on them and chased them around in the cup for good measure.

As I tried to distract him with decorating he picked out a set of eyes and decided that he didn't want to waste the stickers on the eggs. If there were stickers to be had he would be the one to sport them.

I did finally convince him that there were enough to go around and he picked out both eyes and a mouth for one of his eggs.

When Connor was done the paper looked like a water color painting. I debated looking for brushes and letting the boys paint with the dye, but decided I should probably quit while I was ahead with most of the dye still safely in the cups, or on the paper with nothing more than dye stained fingers as proof of their eggsellent adventures.

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