Monday, October 12, 2009


We got the proofs back for our school pictures today. Similiar to last year, there was a cute picture of Connor, but Ryan didn't look too thrilled either in his individual pictures or the shots of the two of them together.

I think the photograher that comes in to take pictures at the kids' school has some really cute sets. It makes for much nicer pics than most school pictures with just the plain background behind them.


  1. Hey, I am glad you're back. I have missed your blogs. Sorry to hear your not feeling well. I love these school pictures, especially the individual ones. You're right, really is a nice background. Was Ryan mad because Connor had the toys, maybe? The boys are growing so fast, nineteen months, huh? Hard to believe

  2. Thank you - I am glad to be back. I think you are probably right about the picture. I suspect the apple Connor was chasing under Ryan's foot probably started in Ryan's hands and had some help in it's decent - and I don't mean gravity. :)
