Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hibernating for the Winter

I haven't even begun to tell half the story of how busy the month of December was around here.  And I am beginning to wonder if I will ever find the time...  Not to mention the gaping hole that was the month of October for much the same reason...
However, at this point I have simply given up and am hibernating for the winter.  That's my story and I am sticking to it.  Despite the fact that's it's 75 degrees outside and doesn't at all resemble winter at this very moment.  And in theory while hibernating one should stay home.  And maybe clean up the disaster which has befallen ones house...  Or at least take down Christmas which is long over due, though no where near as long, yet, as last year.  And hopefully in the cleaning discover where I have misplaced my camera for the longest spell yet.  And maybe I will... someday... once the round of a dozen or so 4 year old birthday parties that span from the first weekend in January through early March have finally passed.  Assuming that is, of course, that I actually survive the boys' 4th party which seems very much in question at the moment and is entirely of my own doing... remind me, again, why I didn't, and still haven't simply booked a bounce place like every other sane parent around!?!?

With that said, it is my optimistic hope that I should return to blog land sometime in March in case you were wondering...