Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bouncin' Bears

It was Matthew's turn this weekend. And boy did he pick a GREAT place - Bouncin Bears. We had never been there before, but with weekend open play hours I definately see more visits in our future! The place was absolutely GINORMUS. And there were so many cool bouncers.

One of the best parts - there wasn't a single one they couldn't do entirely by themselves.

And believe me when I say they tried them all. Several times. :) Not that Kevin and I didn't try some of them out just to be sure... :) And I might have raced the boys through the obstacle course a time or two. Before I passed out. :) And did I mention the giant pillow? And despite the fact that there were two parties at the same time it wasn't the least bit crowded. The boys drug their band of friends from bouncer to bouncer and were often the only ones on each one. And Ryan. He was a CHAMP. Despite chugging a sports drink that I swear was bigger than he was, and juice, and water he kept his big boy underwear completely 100% dry.
Because this kid? He's potty trained.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Following directions?

It was funny to watch the boys at Gymboree over the length of their class. Clearly we need to work on that whole following directions bit. Sit down? Yeah, not so much. Especially when given the option of exploring on their own, or on this day steam rolling anyone or anything in their path.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Laila's Birthday

The boys helped Laila G. celebrate her big 3 at Little Gym.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Birthday Parties

I am fairly certain at least 2/3rds of the weekends over the last three months could be summed up with those two little words. Because it's been one birthday after another. This weekend the boys helped Bryce celebrate his 3rd birthday. And bounce houses are very popular with 3 year old little boys. Though some things are far easier to get into than out of... Like the obstacle course. Where that first step on the giant uphill climb is just a teeny tiny bit too high for such short little legs. And Ryan is a natural at air hockey. And I thought getting 2 kids to look at the camera was challenging... :)

As it turns out Connor likes Chocolate cake. And chocolate ice cream.

And balloons are always a big hit.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Location. Location. Location...

One of the best things we would discover about Gymboree over the coming weeks, besides the parachute of course, was that it was ideally located right next to Costco making it practically a requirement to stop by after class to pick up a berry smoothie. :)

We also discovered that it takes a lot of suction to get a really thick smoothie up a little straw.


A couple of months ago I picked up a Groupon for Gymboree classes. We had a our first class on Saturday. The boys ran into one of their friends from school there.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Potty Training Success

Ryan put something *IN* the potty last night, and again TWICE this morning. I was so thrilled I let him polish off his marshmallow treat from Christmas. So of course now he's all about running to the potty with the expectation of getting a treat. And when he says he's done and there been no business and I tell him there's no treat he's ready to get back on and try some more because he's not leaving until there's a treat. And there's no way Connor is letting Ryan get a treat without him. Connor got a little something in last night, and got an honorable mention for effort today. He also got applause not only from us, but also from Ryan last night. It was so sweet the way Ryan cheered Connor on from upstairs in his bed. "YEA!! CONNOR!!!"

So maybe there is some hope... someday...

Now if only I had that much hope for my Aggies. It isn't looking good for them in the Cotton Bowl against LSU tonight.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

For the love of hats

Apparently Connor didn't have any toys in Daddy's car. So he improvised. And apparently mommy's camera was broken. So she improvised. And really needs to learn how to focus...

If I had a twitter account...

  • 8:40 AM – Back at home. Left my ring in 2 min cleaning solution for an hour. Oops. Guess I am WFH today.
  • 12:13 PM – There is nothing to eat in this house. Resorted to Nilla wafers for lunch.
  • 3:59 PM – Thermostat says 69. I am frozen solid. Had to put on sweats, fuzzy socks, and a sweatshirt. You would think I was in Siberia.
  • 5:18 PM – Someone please tell me this day is finally over.

0 Followers, huh?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's what's for breakfast

Me: "What are you eating!?!?
Me: "Kevin - Corndogs for breakfast? Really??"
K: "They aren't corn dogs. They are sausage wrapped pancakes."
K: "They just look like corn dogs."